Writing this year’s story has been so easy. The words flow from my fingers and I find myself thinking of the next installment between writing sessions. I think the problem for me in the past is that I would pick a random idea out of the ether on the morning of November 1. After a short while (1 hour to 10 days) I would get bored with the concept I’d chosen. And quit. I couldn’t make myself push through it. To be truthful, I didn’t try. But you get the idea. I stopped writing.
This year, I started thinking about my NaNoWriMo story ahead of time, in mid-October. I tossed a few ideas around until the idea I am working with jumped into my head. It gave me the first line and told me to run with it. To put it in more graphic terms, the opening line came to me while I was soaking in the tub. I wasn’t thinking of NaNoWriMo right at that moment. My mind was blank except for noticing how lovely the hot, scented water felt on my skin. Maybe that’s the key: being open and receptive to whatever ideas come, not trying to manipulate thoughts with my Monkey Mind.
This year, I’m loving my story, am enjoying the process of writing it. Words rush out and I type them. The occasional roadblock that pops up – I go around it. Pfft, I say. You can’t stop me!
The content of the story is deeply personal, so much so that I can’t predict that anyone but me will ever read it. It’s probably why it is flowing so easily. Just change a couple of names and bang! Fiction! I may be able to use parts of it in other work; maybe after I’m done, I can do a fine tooth comb edit and let it out into the world.
We’re only three days into the process, my story and me. It’s a new relationship and we’re in the giddy “Oh, but we have so much in common!” phase. Later it may degenerate to the point we can barely stand one other, merely tolerating one another’s presence in our respective corners. For now, though, we’re off to an exhilarating start. We’ll enjoy our honeymoon period while it lasts.
Meanwhile, we’ll keep walking the path and see where it takes us.