I am part of a “blog hop”. What is a blog hop?, you wonder.
Well, it’s pretty simple. A blogger tags two bloggers who tags two bloggers who tag two bloggers…eventually we should reach every novelist/blogger in the world and live in peace and harmony foreverafter. There’s a theme to the blog hop, and the theme of this one is “My Next Big Thing” aka “What Are You Working On Now?” Tagged bloggers will blog their answers to a series of questions about their next (or in the case of some of us, first) book.
Here’s a blog, Just Scribbling, by one of our participants. Julia tagged Kathi Holmes, who will be tagging me this Friday, March 21. Kathi has a book out, I STAND WITH COURAGE. Her inspiring story details Kathi’s sudden paralysis and how she learned to walk again. She self-published this, her first book, and now does speaking engagements and book signings to support it.
The book I’m working on is a novel and I feel like I’ve been thinking about it, working on it, or feeling guilty about not working on it for my entire life. You’ll get more details when my Blog Hop Blog comes out on March 29. Meanwhile, if you are working on a book project, thinking about a book project, AND you are a blogger, and wish to take part in this fun event, please let me know. I could tag YOU! My email is celaynejones@gmail.com.
We want to keep the momentum going, so you’d need to commit to your Blog Hop Blog to post no more than a couple of weeks after I tag you. Other than that, I will make no requirements and you can go on freely with your writing life.